Freshwater Mussels and Community Ecology
Dr. Astrid Schwalb
I am interested in both basic and applied research in stream ecology. My lab seeks to understand how ecological processes like dispersal function and how they affect the structure and health of populations and communities in rivers.
I am also interested in the impact of invasive species and human activities on stream ecosystems. In my lab, we use a variety of methods ranging from experiments in the lab and the field to modeling and statistical analysis.
Much of my research has focused on freshwater mussels, many of which are endangered. Research on their dispersal and distribution will help to inform species conservation and management.
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Mussel Galleria
Team Members
Dr. Astrid Schwalb
Associate Proffessor
Director of MS Aquatic Biology Program
Dr. Mariana Perez Rocha
Postdoctoral Associate
Emily Pody
PhD Candidate
Andreia Alves
PhD Candidate
Justin Greenfield
MS Student
Nicole Grob
Grant Specialist
Christine Adams
MS Student